

Men's EXCLUSIVE mental health event taking place during men's health week

At the beautiful MODA living space, New York Square, Leeds on June 13th 2024

Step off the treadmill for a day and attend REWIRED 2024 - learn from renowned key-note speakers, attend workshops and be supported in a safe space allowing important conversations around men’s mental health, relationships and life's challenges.

• face your vulnerabilities

• increase self-awareness

• build resilience

• reduce your stress and burnout

• connect with similar minded men

• build strategies for better mental well-being, and

• learn to thrive and reach your true potential

You will take away new effective tools, positive strategies and greater clarity on your next steps.

The day will finish with a networking drinks reception.


*breakfast, lunch and drinks included





Miranda Arieh

Award-winning mental health coach Miranda Arieh is creator of the pioneering ‘HEROES Groupwork Programme’ service, which is now expanding through the NHS. Miranda’s innovative approach to trauma recovery, based on her lived experience, is being hailed as ‘life-changing’ as it spreads throughout the city. Miranda has recently joined the BBC as a radio presenter and public speaks regularly, in her unique motivational style, on the topics of mental health and emotional recovery.  

Richard Abrahams

Managing Director Elmhurst, Mental Health Speaker & Motivator

Richard has managed his own successful business for over 30 years. In that time he has experienced the highs and lows of being entrepreneurial, which led to a mental health decline in 2018. After going through this difficult experience, Richard wants to make sure no business owner feels they need to struggle alone. Now a passionate public speaker, Richard has become dedicated to supporting people to learn the tools that helped him thrive through adversity.


Dr Rob Baskind

Consultant Psychiatrist and Positive Psychology Coach

Rob spent over 20 years as a consultant psychiatrist in the NHS, treating thousands of people within the mental health and custodial system. Despite a positive reputation for developing and leading mental health services, his own mental health eventually deteriorated, leading into a journey of recognition around his own conditioned childhood beliefs.

From making the decision to access help himself, Rob has awakened to the primary needs for self care and self compassion, and to the conditioning our early experiences subject us all to early in life. With the benefit of his own personal and professional journey, Rob is now focusing on helping others to become comfortable with being vulnerable, gain self awareness and develop the strategies to increase happiness through a values-led, full and meaningful life.

Sarah Wadsworth

Mental Health Lead and Coach.

Sarah has worked in the NHS for the last 3 years with patients who have poor mental health in some of the most deprived areas in Leeds. Desperate to help patients who had been sat on waiting lists for over 2 years Sarah trained to be the lead facilitator of the HEROES Groupwork Programme supporting patients to go on their own discovery journey by creating a safe, compassionate and validating environment. Sarah is a huge believer in groupwork and has seen some amazing outcomes.